Please check 'last updated' to calculate current age. Information on the adoption process is available here. Please email if you want to know more about any of the dogs or the adoption process.
Gender: Female
Age: 1 and 1/2 years
Size: Small/Medium
Children: Can be homed with older children
Cats: Not tested
Dogs: Gets on well with other dogs
Truffle was found with her siblings, left outside
our Nidge shelter when she was about
8 weeks old. She is a beautiful, playful girl,
who loves cuddles.
Last updated 8.1.25

Gender: Female
Age: 3
Size: Medium
Children: Can be homed with older children
Cats: Not tested
Dogs: Gets on well with other dogs
Bridget was rescued in December 2022 from Kozan Government Shelter in a terrible condition.
She is now in great condition & would love a home
of her own . She is a very friendly & social dog -
lives with six other dogs
Last updated 8.1.25


Gender: Female
Age: 1 and 1/2 years
Size: Small/Medium
Children: Can be homed with older children
Cats: Not tested
Dogs: Gets on well with other dogs
Ilvy was found with her siblings, left outside our Nidge shelter. She is a beautiful, playful girl, who loves cuddles. We estimate she will be medium sized when fully grown. Ilvy has been health checked and fully vaccinated.
Last updated 8.1.25

Gender: Female
Age: 9 months
Size: Large
Children: Can be homed with children
Cats: Can live with cats
Dogs: Gets on well with other dogs
A while ago a little puppy was found suffering from malnutrition which had caused rickets in her tiny front legs . She was found very weak and unable to walk properly she also had an awful skin condition . It broke your heart to see her like this . A kind lady took her home and to the vets were the puppy received treatment . Peanut then went into foster where she has been since . She is fully recovered and is the sweetest of dogs . She is aound 9 months old now and loves life loves everyone she meets she is good with other dogs and cats also toilet trained .
She is going to be a big girl but she has the biggest heart and not a bad bone in her body , never shown any sort of aggression ever .
Peanut has survived through the love and care of humans and she knows this . who ever gives this beautiful dog her forever home is a very lucky family .
Last updated 8.1.25